Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Glow Naturally- Coraline Skincare Review

It's time for another skincare review! As you all know, I decided to switch to natural skincare because of my ongoing battle with acne and eczema. I tried the big-name brands like Dermalogica and Shiseido, but they didn't help at all. I honestly feel they sometimes made things worse. I needed something gentle and soothing that could tackle my skin issues without aggravating them.

That's when I stumbled upon Coraline Skincare. I read about their philosophy and was interested right away. They believe that what you put on your skin should be as pure as what you eat, which makes total sense to me. The founder spent years as a chef in restaurants, and you can see that same attention to detail in Coraline's products. They have something for everyone, from soaps to balms, and they specialize in skincare for sensitive skin.

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I decided to give their Peace Offering 3-Step Breakout and Blemish Clearing Facial Routine a try, and wow, they're so good! The set comes with a Minty Fresh Soap Bar, Botanical Balance Calming Facial Tonic, and Keeping the Peace Balancing and Clearing Facial Oil, plus a soft organic face cloth. It's designed for oily/combination, and breakout-prone skin, and it’s safe even for pregnant women and those undergoing chemotherapy.

The Peace Offering set is also packaged so nicely, and the fact that it's in recyclable materials makes me love it even more. It’s so pretty and perfect for gifts. The colourful, fun products are wrapped up neatly, and the information notes about each product add a lovely, personal touch. It's not just a treat for the skin, but the packaging also makes unboxing it really nice!

I've been using the set for a few days now, and I think it's totally changed my skincare routine. Here's a quick rundown of each product:

Step 1: Minty Fresh Soap Bar
I think this soap is amazing for my sensitive skin. It's gentle, but it cleans really well. It's got mint, lemon oils and activated charcoal, which has purifying properties and draws out oils on my oily but my dry skin. I use it to wash my face, body, and hands, and my skin feels clean and calm afterward.

Step 2: Botanical Balance Calming Facial Tonic
I think this tonic is such a refreshing step in my routine. It helps prep my skin to absorb facial oils better and leaves my face feeling soft and smooth. With lavender and Damask rose waters, it’s a perfect little for my sensitive skin.

Step 3: Keep the Peace Balancing and Clearing Facial Oil
Honestly, this oil is a lifesaver. It deeply nourishes and hydrates my skin, reducing redness and dryness while improving the look of fine lines. Day after day, I can see my skin getting happier and more radiant. I just skip moisturizer and just use this oil with the tonic, which feels simple and indulgent.

The face cloth is also a nice bonus. It’s organic and unbleached, making it a pure addition to my cleansing routine Using this lovely set, I honestly feel my skin has improved right away. The minty fresh soap cleans my face without irritation, and the tonic balances my skin perfectly. The facial oil is my favourite product of the set, leaving my skin feeling soft and nourished.

And facial oils can be great for oily skin, too! They help regulate oil production and keep your skin balanced. The balancing and clearing facial oil is a great example—it doesn’t feel greasy and helps lock in moisture.

I genuinely think Coraline Skincare's Peace Offering set is perfect for my troubled skin. It's calming, effective, and a joy to use. If you're thinking about switching to natural skincare, I’d honestly recommend giving them a try!


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