Tuesday, April 20, 2021

How I Save Time Using The LeJoy Robot Vacuum Cleaner- A Review

LeJoy is a new brand selling robot vacuum cleaners, something that I've always wanted to try for AGES. Seriously, vacuuming takes me a long time and these gadgets have been around for years. I've never quite managed to save up enough to buy one, but this LD20 Robot Vacuum Cleaner is affordable (only around 290 GBP on Amazon) and shipping only took a day for Prime members.

Here is my 100% honest review of this little vacuum cleaner. For starters, it came in a beautiful box with clear instructions on how to use it. I was clueless, but after reading the instructions, it's pretty easy to set up. All you do is plug in the charger, turn the cleaner on and it runs itself. It features a laser navigation system which means that it scans your room, cleans in a zigzag pattern and clears the dust from your home efficiently. 

LeJoy Robot Vacuum Cleaner review, LeJoy LD20 Robot Vacuum Cleaner review, lejoy robot review blog, robot vacuum cleaner review

LeJoy Robot Vacuum Cleaner review, LeJoy LD20 Robot Vacuum Cleaner review, lejoy robot review blog, robot vacuum cleaner review

LeJoy Robot Vacuum Cleaner review, LeJoy LD20 Robot Vacuum Cleaner review, lejoy robot review blog, robot vacuum cleaner review

LeJoy Robot Vacuum Cleaner review, LeJoy LD20 Robot Vacuum Cleaner review, lejoy robot review blog, robot vacuum cleaner review

LeJoy Robot Vacuum Cleaner review, LeJoy LD20 Robot Vacuum Cleaner review, lejoy robot review blog, robot vacuum cleaner review

LeJoy Robot Vacuum Cleaner review, LeJoy LD20 Robot Vacuum Cleaner review, lejoy robot review blog, robot vacuum cleaner review

LeJoy Robot Vacuum Cleaner review, LeJoy LD20 Robot Vacuum Cleaner review, lejoy robot review blog, robot vacuum cleaner review

 The cleaner comes with a remote, which is convenient for setting up scheduled cleaning routines. I use the remote for turning on and off the cleaner when I need to. I live in a pretty small space, and this cleaner dusts my home in about 15 minutes. It takes a longer time if you live in a bigger house, but the charge lasts for a long time. It takes around 4-6 hours to fully charge, and I was impressed at how well the cleaner navigated my space and managed to find its own way back to the charger! 

The quality of the robot cleaner is great. It is made from a shiny plastic exterior, and comes with high-quality cleaning brushes and a roller at the base, which can be removed easily. The dust bin can also be removed with a click and emptied in the bin. I found this vacuum cleaner to be quite user-friendly. I don't really have to wash it after each use. I use the brush to scrape the dust away and voila- you can put the bin back and it restarts. The HEPA filter is quite small though, so I think it's better for sucking bits and pieces rather than a lot of dust. If you have a carpet, I'd recommend supplementing this cleaner with a big vacuum once a week. 

As for the noise level, this cleaner is surprisingly quiet. It's not loud at all, and quite pleasant to use when you want to sit back and let it do the cleaning. You can also control it through a wifi app and voice control device if you download LeJoy's app and link the cleaner to it. Talk about high-tech! The cleaner also comes with a mop, so you can ask it to mop your dirty floors too. I think it would make a great mopper though I haven't tried it.

Overall, this device is a solid 10/10 and I would recommend it to anyone who wants to save some time cleaning the floor. It sure saved me lots of time, and has made my studio apartment much cleaner and bearable. 


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