I recently stumbled upon Dresslily a lovely shop which is similar to other online retailers. Dresslily (I love the shop's name) is a great little online boutique that sells dresses, shoes, shirts, accessories and other items that are stylish and chic I usually shop online these days due to sheer laziness.
Plus the town I am in right now for university isn't exactly the best place to shop. Our shops are very limited and sell really expensive clothing, at least to me! Or I spend a lot of time studying, so shopping online is an easy way to get the goods without the hassle. Dresslily is an awesome site for window shopping and they do free shipping for some orders.
I actually bought my boyfriend some underwear from the site and they were delivered to his house without any problems.
I actually bought my boyfriend some underwear from the site and they were delivered to his house without any problems.

Top to Bottom :
Jewel Neck Floral Dress
V Neck Empire Waist Maxi Dress
I love their floral dress especially with the straps on one sleeve because they're so nice and summery, It's perfect for pairing with a leather jacket or something hard. The two dresses I chose above are so cheap and all under $20. This means that their price is suitable for young adults like us.
I picked out some of my favourite items from their shop for you to see! Click here to check out Dresslily now and I guarantee you'll be amazed at what you find.
Hope you guys like it!
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