These few weeks have consisted of phone calls, exam papers, books, long long afternoon naps, no more squirrel chases, online shopping, bargain hunting online, looking at christmas lights, ice-skating and tearfully happy skype conversations ....

Nowadays, do you notice everyone around you has got an iphone / ipod / ipad or some apple gadget ? I'm a big fan myself of these really slim, really aesthetic technological pieces, but recently I've been playing with my iphone's apps, especially with...drum-rolls....INSTAGRAM!
For those of you who hasn't heard of this application, it's a really easy to use photo app that lets you take photos and edit them in several pre-set effects, like vintage style, cold room style and much more. Then you press "DONE" and it uploads the finished product on a platform where every user shares their pictures, sort of like a twitter flow, only it's restricted to the iphone!
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